Answer 10 Weird Questions And We’ll Determine How Progressive You Are!
5a54efd Answer 10 Weird Questions And We’ll Determine How Progressive You Are! Answer 10 Weird Questions And We’ll Determine How Progressive You Are! You might think you're pretty progressive, but are you actually as forward thinking as you think you are? Answer these 10 totally weird questions and we'll determine exactly how progressive you really are!

What color shirt are you wearing right now?

What color shirt are you wearing right now?
  • White
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Other

Warm lighting or bright white lighting?

Warm lighting or bright white lighting?
  • Warm lighting
  • Bright lighting
  • Depends on the day
  • Total darkness

Who would you most like to punch in the face?

Who would you most like to punch in the face?
  • My boss
  • My grade school bully
  • My sibling
  • That one cousin
  • Reality TV stars

What's your least favorite mode of transportation?

What's your least favorite mode of transportation?
  • Subway/train
  • Bus
  • Car
  • Ride share
  • Bicycle

Which day do you consider the start of the week, Sunday or Monday?

Which day do you consider the start of the week, Sunday or Monday?
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Either is acceptable

You have ten dollars and five minutes at the grocery store. What do you buy?

You have ten dollars and five minutes at the grocery store. What do you buy?
  • Trashy magazines
  • All the candy I can get my hands on
  • Ice cream pints
  • Fruit and yogurt!

Tomorrow is the end of humanity. What do you think will destroy us?

Tomorrow is the end of humanity. What do you think will destroy us?
  • The sun
  • Politics
  • War
  • Global warming
  • Zombie apocalypse

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
  • Yes, absolutely. I'm a delight!
  • Sure, for the most part.
  • Not really, I could use some changes.

Which political animal do you hate the most?

Which political animal do you hate the most?
  • Donkey
  • Elephant
  • What's a political animal?

You believe the best news comes from...

You believe the best news comes from...
  • That guy on my TV.
  • My friends on Facebook.
  • A newspaper.
  • Word of mouth.