Which World Capital City Fits Your Personality?
549d31b Which World Capital City Fits Your Personality? Which World Capital City Fits Your Personality? Which Captial city from around the world best fits your personality? Take this quiz to find out!

Which content do you live on?

Which content do you live on?
  • North or South America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Australia

Do you like to travel?

Do you like to travel?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It depends on where I am going

Is the history of a city important to you?

Is the history of a city important to you?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It depends on the city

Which of these is the most important to you?

Which of these is the most important to you?
  • Working hard
  • Practicing hobbies
  • Relaxing

You are on a crowded street. Which of these things are you most likely to be thinking?

You are on a crowded street. Which of these things are you most likely to be thinking?
  • I hope I don't get pick-pocketed
  • I hope I don't bump into anyone
  • I hope I can get where I need to go on time

Are you an organized person?

Are you an organized person?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I have more of an organized mess in my life

Why would you want to go to a capital city?

Why would you want to go to a capital city?
  • To party
  • To see the history
  • To do a little of everything

You like a city that is...

You like a city that is...
  • Colorful
  • Busy
  • Quiet

Which of these countries do you think you have the most in common with?

Which of these countries do you think you have the most in common with?
  • Russia
  • Brazil
  • France

You've broken a pricess artifact in a museam! What do you do?

You've broken a pricess artifact in a museam! What do you do?
  • Offer to pay for it
  • Leave the museam before anyone catches me
  • Stand frozen. I don't know what I would do