Can We Guess Your Personality Type?
4d2ce6a Can We Guess Your Personality Type? Can We Guess Your Personality Type? We all have different personalities. Some of us are introverted and shy. While others are bouncing off the walls and chatting it up. What type of personality do you have. Do you think we can guess?

You're at a party where you don't know anyone but the host. What do you do?

You're at a party where you don't know anyone but the host. What do you do?
  • Introduce myself to others
  • Hover around the host
  • Bail and go home
  • Sit down and wait for someone to talk to me

Do you ever get lost in your own thoughts?

Do you ever get lost in your own thoughts?
  • All of the time.
  • Only when I'm thinking about a project.
  • Sometimes, if me or someone I know is having a problem.

What does your work desk look like?

What does your work desk look like?
  • Messy. To the point of insanity.
  • Clear and clean except for what I need
  • What desk?

Do you ever feel as if you have to justify your thoughts or actions to other people?

Do you ever feel as if you have to justify your thoughts or actions to other people?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

Which of these animals would you be?

Which of these animals would you be?
  • Fox
  • Cat
  • Lion
  • Eagle
  • Dolphin
  • Dog

If your best friend could only describe you in one word, what would that word be?

If your best friend could only describe you in one word, what would that word be?
  • Compassionate
  • Driven
  • Creative
  • Adventurous
  • Responsible
  • Idealistic

Do you like your days to be planned out? Or do you like to take each moment as it comes?

Do you like your days to be planned out? Or do you like to take each moment as it comes?
  • Planned by the hour
  • Somewhat planned
  • I take each moment as it comes

What do you like most about yourself?

What do you like most about yourself?
  • My creativity
  • My compassion
  • My loyalty to friends
  • My drive and passion
  • My mind
  • My sense of fun

Where do you gain strength from?

Where do you gain strength from?
  • My family
  • My friends
  • My co-workers
  • My self

What is your favorite way to relax?

What is your favorite way to relax?
  • What's relaxation?
  • Hanging out with friends or family
  • Draw or do something creative
  • Cook a nice meal
  • Hiking or spending time outside
  • Thinking about my next project