How Do Your Co-Workers Rate You?
48656a2 How Do Your Co-Workers Rate You? How Do Your Co-Workers Rate You? You might think you know how your co-workers see you, but how are you actually rated by those you work with? Do they see you in the same light as you see yourself? Let's find out how your co-workers would really rate you! Ready? Start the quiz!

Do you ever hang out together outside of work?

Do you ever hang out together outside of work?
  • Yes, we get together weekly.
  • No, I don't like to mix work with my personal life.
  • Sometimes, but it's pretty rare.
  • Happy hour every night!

How often are you just watching the clock at work?

How often are you just watching the clock at work?
  • All day, everyday.
  • Only when there is a deadline to meet.
  • When I'm bored.
  • Every hour or so.

Have you ever been promoted at work?

Have you ever been promoted at work?
  • Once.
  • I'm constantly moving up.
  • Years ago.
  • Not yet.

Do people come to you for work related advice?

Do people come to you for work related advice?
  • Always, my office is like a revolving door.
  • Every now and then.
  • No, I wouldn't even come to me for advice.
  • Not that I can recall.

How often are you in on the latest office gossip?

How often are you in on the latest office gossip?
  • Always, I typically start it.
  • Most of the time.
  • Never, I don't partake in that stuff.

Do upset people cry on your shoulder?

Do upset people cry on your shoulder?
  • I'm basically a therapist.
  • Every now and then.
  • All the time.
  • Never.

Do people ask to have you on their team?

Do people ask to have you on their team?
  • Not that I know of.
  • Probably, I'm pretty popular.
  • Yes, all the time.

Have you ever mentored anyone at work?

Have you ever mentored anyone at work?
  • Yes, I do this all the time.
  • My boss often asks me too.
  • I don't have time for that.
  • Nope, but I've been mentored.

How often do you call in sick?

How often do you call in sick?
  • Once a week
  • Once a month
  • When I'm actually sick
  • Hardly ever

In a meeting, you're usually the one....

In a meeting, you're usually the one....
  • Pitching ideas
  • Giving my two cents
  • Sitting quietly
  • Doodling