What Time Of Year Is Best For Your Love Life?
3sc0k77 What Time Of Year Is Best For Your Love Life? What Time Of Year Is Best For Your Love Life? Love isn't always in the air, especially if it's not the right time of year for your love life. What time of year is best for you in the romance department? Well, that depends! Answer these 10 quiz questions and reveal the best time of year for love. You might just be coming up on a romantic season!

What Time Of Year Is Best For Your Love Life?

What Time Of Year Is Best For Your Love Life?
  • Someone who makes me think.
  • Someone who is kind.
  • Someone I can laugh with.
  • Someone who is dependable.

What would be a nice gift on your birthday?

What would be a nice gift on your birthday?
  • A night out on the town.
  • A book I really wanted.
  • Flowers.
  • Straight up money.

Why did your last relationship end?

Why did your last relationship end?
  • It was becoming boring.
  • We didn't have enough in common.
  • It wasn't true love.
  • We had trust issues.

Which of these is your favorite kind of movie?

Which of these is your favorite kind of movie?
  • Action
  • Documentary
  • Romance
  • Drama

How many outfits do you try on before you pick one for the day?

How many outfits do you try on before you pick one for the day?
  • Just one.
  • Two or three.
  • Four or five.
  • Way too many!

Which of these makes you the happiest?

Which of these makes you the happiest?
  • The smell of fresh rain.
  • Crunchy leaves underfoot.
  • The beach at sunset.
  • Snow falling quietly.

Which of these jobs might fit you?

Which of these jobs might fit you?
  • Teacher
  • Actor/actress
  • Motivational speaker
  • Social worker

How would a prospective lover characterize you?

How would a prospective lover characterize you?
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Hot
  • Cool

How do you get in the way of your own success?

How do you get in the way of your own success?
  • I'm impulsive.
  • I'm too nice.
  • I think too much.
  • I don't think about myself enough.

Which of these things are you most likely to be doing outdoors?

Which of these things are you most likely to be doing outdoors?
  • Tanning
  • Gardening
  • Hiking
  • Running