Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Swearing Habits?
3d8d4fd Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Swearing Habits? Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Swearing Habits? Your swearing habits can be one of the greatest indicators of your age! Do you think we can guess your age based only on your swearing habits? It's time to find out!

Pick a swear word alternative to say in front of the kids:

Pick a swear word alternative to say in front of the kids:
  • Fudge
  • Rats
  • Mother nature
  • Shut the front door
  • Pickles

Pick a British swear word:

Pick a British swear word:
  • Tosser
  • Bollocks
  • Pisser
  • Wanker
  • Bloody hell

In which of these moments would you let the expletives fly?

In which of these moments would you let the expletives fly?
  • Dropping hot coffee onto your lap.
  • Getting cut off in traffic.
  • Being put on hold.
  • Seeing your ex with a supermodel.
  • Someone flushing the toilet while you're in the shower.

Be honest, would you ever curse in front of your boss?

Be honest, would you ever curse in front of your boss?
  • We both curse all the time.
  • I curse in front of my boss sometimes.
  • I would never curse in front of my boss.
  • It depends on if we're at work or not.

Cursing at the the dinner table, acceptable or not?

Cursing at the the dinner table, acceptable or not?
  • Acceptable and encouraged!
  • Acceptable in certain situations.
  • Not acceptable at all.
  • Somewhat acceptable.

Choose a social media platform to swear on:

Choose a social media platform to swear on:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Reddit

Do you ever use religious names in vain during in your cussing tirades?

Do you ever use religious names in vain during in your cussing tirades?
  • Heavens, no!
  • Every now and then.
  • All the time!

When's the last time you flipped someone off?

When's the last time you flipped someone off?
  • A few hours ago
  • A few days ago
  • A few months ago
  • A few years ago
  • I've never flipped someone off

Be honest, how often do you swear?

Be honest, how often do you swear?
  • Every minute of the day.
  • I pepper it into normal conversation.
  • I don't swear very often.
  • Only when I'm upset.

Which mild swear word is your go to?

Which mild swear word is your go to?
  • Crap
  • Sh*t
  • Damn
  • Frick
  • BS