How Much Money Is Your Life Actually Worth?
3c858eb How Much Money Is Your Life Actually Worth? How Much Money Is Your Life Actually Worth? Every life is worth a fortune, but just how much money is your life worth exactly? Ready to find out? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out how much money your life is worth!

What is your gender?

What is your gender?
  • Male
  • Female
  • I'd rather not say.

Which age range do you fall into?

Which age range do you fall into?
  • 10-30
  • 31-40
  • 41-50
  • 51-60
  • 60+

What are you most likely to talk about with a close friend?

What are you most likely to talk about with a close friend?
  • Work
  • Family
  • News
  • Gossip
  • It varies

What do you believe is more important: education or experience?

What do you believe is more important: education or experience?
  • Education, it opens the door to experience!
  • Experience, it's more valuable than education.
  • You need a mix of both!

How often do you work out?

How often do you work out?
  • Me, work out? Nope.
  • A couple of times a week.
  • I go through phases.
  • A few times a year.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), where does your happiness fall?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), where does your happiness fall?
  • 10
  • 7
  • 5
  • 3
  • 1

What's life like outside of work?

What's life like outside of work?
  • It's great, I have lots of friends and a great family.
  • Work is my life!
  • I hate my job, it rules everything.
  • Balanced, I always leave my work at the door.

How clean is your house/apartment right now?

How clean is your house/apartment right now?
  • It could be in a magazine.
  • It's pretty clean and organized.
  • It's tidy.
  • It's organized chaos.
  • It's a mess.

What brings you the most joy?

What brings you the most joy?
  • Helping others.
  • Buying something new.
  • Spending time outside.
  • Meeting up with family.
  • Seeing a cute dog.

What's your biggest source of stress?

What's your biggest source of stress?
  • Money
  • Figuring out the future
  • My relationship
  • My job