What Kind Of Old Person Will You Be?
2fcckPA What Kind Of Old Person Will You Be? What Kind Of Old Person Will You Be? Just who will you be when you reach your golden years? It’s time to find out. Embark on these 10 questions and find out what kind of old person you’ll be!

Do you prefer to be alone or with others?

Do you prefer to be alone or with others?
  • Alone
  • With others
  • It depends

Do you currently have kids?

Do you currently have kids?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not yet but someday

How much emphasis do you place on your physical appearance?

How much emphasis do you place on your physical appearance?
  • A lot
  • A little bit
  • Not that much

What kind of soul do you think you have?

What kind of soul do you think you have?
  • Old soul
  • Young soul
  • I'm not sure

What would you most like to do when you retire?

What would you most like to do when you retire?
  • Travel the world
  • Learn something new
  • Focus on my hobbies
  • Watch the grandkids
  • Volunteer
  • Other

Do you believe that an old dog can be taught new tricks?

Do you believe that an old dog can be taught new tricks?
  • Definitely
  • Nope
  • Sometimes

What is your favorite time of day?

What is your favorite time of day?
  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Dawn
  • Dusk
  • Night

What do you believe is your best trait?

What do you believe is your best trait?
  • My compassion
  • My ambition
  • My sense of humor
  • My youthfulness
  • My intellect
  • Other

How tired do you feel daily?

How tired do you feel daily?
  • Very tired
  • Somewhat tired
  • Not tired
  • It depends on the day

How honest are you?

How honest are you?
  • I tell it like it is
  • I dish out truth when necessary
  • I'm always honest
  • I lie from time to time
  • Other