Where Will You Move To In 3 Years?
2c91827 Where Will You Move To In 3 Years? Where Will You Move To In 3 Years? Of all the unique states America has to offer, which one will you move to?

What's your favorite season?

What's your favorite season?
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer

Do you mind a lot of tourists visiting your state?

Do you mind a lot of tourists visiting your state?
  • The more the merrier
  • I could tolerate it
  • I'd hate it

What type of home do you want?

What type of home do you want?
  • Cabin
  • Apartment
  • Beach house
  • Suburban house
  • Other

Do you prefer to live by people or on your own?

Do you prefer to live by people or on your own?
  • By people
  • On my own
  • A bit of both

What's important for your state to have?

What's important for your state to have?
  • Activities to do
  • Be by the ocean
  • Beautiful scenery
  • Other

What is your preferred view?

What is your preferred view?
  • Mountains
  • Ocean
  • Skyline
  • Lake
  • Other

Pick an activity to do

Pick an activity to do
  • Hiking
  • Shopping
  • Surfing
  • Fishing
  • Skiing

How do you feel about big cities?

How do you feel about big cities?
  • I love them
  • I can tolerate them
  • I hate them

What type of weather do you prefer?

What type of weather do you prefer?
  • Rainy
  • Hot and humid
  • Snowy
  • Any weather is fine by me

What's your biggest complaint about where you currently live?

What's your biggest complaint about where you currently live?
  • Nothing to do
  • Too cold
  • Too many people
  • Too many buildings
  • Other