Can We Guess How Many Shots It Takes To Get You Wasted?
2c340bc Can We Guess How Many Shots It Takes To Get You Wasted? Can We Guess How Many Shots It Takes To Get You Wasted? Some of us are lightweights and some of us are heavyweight champs! When it comes to drinking, just how many shots does it take you to get wasted? Let us guess the truth based only on a few unique questions!

First things first, where do you do most of your drinking?

First things first, where do you do most of your drinking?
  • At home
  • At a bar or club
  • At a friend's house
  • At a restaurant
  • It varies

Which appetizer would you munch on while drinking?

Which appetizer would you munch on while drinking?
  • Salted nuts
  • Pretzels
  • Nachos
  • Chicken wings
  • No appetizer for me

Do you like to drink alone or with friends?

Do you like to drink alone or with friends?
  • I like to drink alone.
  • I like to drink with friends.
  • Eh, it depends on my mood.

What's the latest you stay out at night?

What's the latest you stay out at night?
  • 12 AM
  • 1 AM
  • 2 AM
  • 11 PM
  • 10 PM

What are you drinking shots of?

What are you drinking shots of?
  • Whiskey
  • Vodka
  • Jaegermeister
  • Rum
  • Tequila

Do you like to pregame at home before going out?

Do you like to pregame at home before going out?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

Pick a chaser:

Pick a chaser:
  • Lime
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • No chaser for me

Have you ever been to a shot bar?

Have you ever been to a shot bar?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I can't remember....

Has anyone taken a shot out of your bellybutton?

Has anyone taken a shot out of your bellybutton?
  • Ew, no.
  • Maybe, I can't remember.
  • Yes, how did you know?

What time of day is it acceptable to start drinking?

What time of day is it acceptable to start drinking?
  • 12 PM
  • 10 AM
  • 2 PM
  • 5 PM
  • 9 PM