Which Part Of Your Body Are You Using Most?
203a45c Which Part Of Your Body Are You Using Most? Which Part Of Your Body Are You Using Most? We use different body parts for different things and use some body parts more than others. We use our eyes to see the different things around us, and our ears to listen to what people have to say. Which part of your body are you using the most? Take this quiz to find out!

If you had to choose one of your five senses to live without, which one would you choose?

If you had to choose one of your five senses to live without, which one would you choose?
  • My eyes
  • I would choose to go without smelling
  • I'm okay with not tasting my food. I need to lose weight anyway
  • I'm okay without touch
  • I'd like some peace and quiet, so my ears
  • None!

You see something weird in the sky, what would you do?

You see something weird in the sky, what would you do?
  • I would just stand there and state at it
  • I would sniff around, maybe it was a rain cloud
  • I would run away, hide and then eat some cake
  • I would grab my camera to take pictures
  • I would listen out for any weird noises associated with it

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
  • I like to go sight-seeing
  • I like to pick flowers
  • I love to eat at different places
  • I love to get massages
  • I love to listen to music
  • None of these

What type of movies do you like?

What type of movies do you like?
  • Scary movies
  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • Silent movies
  • Documentaries

What kind of music do you listen to?

What kind of music do you listen to?
  • Jazz
  • Hip-Hop
  • Pop
  • Country
  • R&B

What is your favorite accessory?

What is your favorite accessory?
  • I love my sunglassesI I even where them in the dark
  • Nose ring
  • My engagement/wedding ring
  • Watch/Bracelets
  • Earrings
  • Necklace
  • None/I don't like accessories

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
  • I love all colors
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Black
  • None

What would you do if your electricity went out?

What would you do if your electricity went out?
  • I would light candles
  • I would relax and/or sleep
  • I would have a party
  • I would eat something yummy
  • I would call my friend to chat

What activity would you prefer to do on a quiet day?

What activity would you prefer to do on a quiet day?
  • Watch a good movie
  • Pick some lovely flowers
  • Drink some wine and relax
  • Workout
  • Listen to some music
  • None

What is your favorite activity?

What is your favorite activity?
  • Visit a museum
  • Wine tasting
  • Bake a cake
  • Biking
  • Watch a good movie