What Percent Marie Kondo Are You?
1xCC4qH What Percent Marie Kondo Are You? What Percent Marie Kondo Are You? Marie Kondo is the queen of sparking joy and helping people to organize/clean their homes! But what percent Marie Kondo are you inside? Do you have what it takes to be like the goddess of organization? Let's find out!

Where can you usually be found after a long day’s work?

Where can you usually be found after a long day’s work?
  • In the kitchen trying a new recipe.
  • Shopping online.
  • Hanging out on the couch.
  • Straightening up.
  • Working out.

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?
  • A vacation home.
  • A new espresso machine.
  • A new wardrobe.
  • A new car.
  • None of these, I'd just relax.

You can always get yourself in the mood for tidying by....

You can always get yourself in the mood for tidying by....
  • Putting on upbeat music.
  • Changing into relaxing clothes.
  • Listening to a podcast.
  • Taking a moment to assess and relax.
  • Buying new cleaning supplies.

How do you organize your clothing?

How do you organize your clothing?
  • Making sure everything is hung up.
  • Piling items on a chair.
  • Folding everything into a drawer.
  • Putting everything in storage bins.
  • Making a pile in my closet.

What do you get most excited about when visiting a foreign city?

What do you get most excited about when visiting a foreign city?
  • Trying new foods.
  • Exploring new places.
  • Buying knick knacks/shopping.
  • Getting to spend time away from work.

Which show are you most likely to binge watch?

Which show are you most likely to binge watch?
  • This is Us
  • The Office
  • Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
  • The Great British Bake Off
  • Hoarders

How many books do you own?

How many books do you own?
  • A few hundred, to be honest
  • Maybe 50-100
  • Around 50
  • 20 or 30
  • Almost none

How do you purify your space?

How do you purify your space?
  • By lighting candles.
  • Buying small plants.
  • Diffusing essential oils.
  • None fof these.

How do you organize items in your home?

How do you organize items in your home?
  • By size
  • By color
  • Alphabetically
  • By category
  • By how often they're used

What would you like to tackle most?

What would you like to tackle most?
  • Office papers
  • Messy kitchen
  • Disorganized kitchen
  • Garage storage
  • None of these