What Would Your Amazon Review Say?
1sK4R1F What Would Your Amazon Review Say? What Would Your Amazon Review Say? If someone were to write an Amazon review about who you are as a person, what would they say? Would you get a five star review or could you use some work? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!

Which word describes you best?

Which word describes you best?
  • Quiet
  • Wacky
  • Thoughtful
  • Brave
  • Intelligent

How are you with time management?

How are you with time management?
  • The worst.
  • I can handle anything!
  • It depends on my mood.

What would you say to your ex if you saw them again?

What would you say to your ex if you saw them again?
  • I don't even care!
  • Better off without you.
  • Tell me the whole truth!
  • How dare you?
  • Everything hurts.

You drop your burrito on the floor. How do you proceed?

You drop your burrito on the floor. How do you proceed?
  • I buy another burrito.
  • I pick it up and eat it.
  • I curse the universe for my existence.
  • I throw it away and weep.

When was the last time you cried?

When was the last time you cried?
  • I'm crying right now.
  • I can't remember.
  • A few months ago.
  • Last week.
  • I don't cry.

Do you ever avoid returning texts, calls, emails, etc.?

Do you ever avoid returning texts, calls, emails, etc.?
  • All the time.
  • Nope, I love talking to people.
  • Every now and then.

You end up sharing the elevator with an acquaintance. How do you respond?

You end up sharing the elevator with an acquaintance. How do you respond?
  • Make some small talk.
  • Stare at the floor and pretend not to notice.
  • Tell bad jokes.
  • Take a fake phone call.

Are you indecisive?

Are you indecisive?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

Are you good under pressure?

Are you good under pressure?
  • I work best under pressure!
  • I crumble under pressure.
  • It depends on the day!

Do you tend to write more positive or negative reviews?

Do you tend to write more positive or negative reviews?
  • Positive
  • Negative
  • It depends on the day