How Romantic Are You?
1qeETmX How Romantic Are You? How Romantic Are You? Does passion run through your blood?

How do you feel about pet names?

How do you feel about pet names?
  • I think they're adorable
  • I'm okay with some of them
  • They're pretty cute
  • I'm not a big fan
  • Ew

Are you a fan of cuddling?

Are you a fan of cuddling?
  • Of course
  • I absolutely love it
  • It's alright
  • I'm not a fan

Pick a romantic date

Pick a romantic date
  • A hot air balloon ride
  • Scuba diving
  • Picnic on the beach
  • A stand-up comedy show
  • Other

Are you a fan of public display of affection?

Are you a fan of public display of affection?
  • Nah, I think it's gross
  • Definitely
  • Only small gestures
  • I'm unsure

What romantic gift would you like most?

What romantic gift would you like most?
  • A stuffed animal
  • Jewelry
  • Chocolates
  • Concert tickets
  • Other

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Absolutely
  • No way
  • Maybe

What do you tend to look for in a lover?

What do you tend to look for in a lover?
  • Passion
  • Humor
  • Loyalty
  • Sensitivity
  • Something else

Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?

Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?
  • I think we can have many
  • I definitely do
  • There's a possibility
  • I'm unsure
  • Not a chance

Do you need lots of physical attention?

Do you need lots of physical attention?
  • Yes I do
  • It depends
  • Not really

Would you say you're a flirt?

Would you say you're a flirt?
  • Of course
  • Somewhat
  • Definitely not