Who Is Your Alter Ego?
1khPcSh Who Is Your Alter Ego? Who Is Your Alter Ego? …Because every now and then, we all just need to transform into someone else, someone crazy, someone fierce, someone brave, or someone entirely different! Take this quiz to find out who yours is.

Which word speaks to your personality most?

Which word speaks to your personality most?
  • Fierce
  • Funny
  • Driven
  • Laid back

Which Olympic sport do you enjoy watching most?

Which Olympic sport do you enjoy watching most?
  • Figure skating
  • Table tennis
  • Track & field
  • High dive

Where is your dream house located?

Where is your dream house located?
  • Big city
  • Quaint suburb
  • Near the ocean

What type of music do you listen to most often?

What type of music do you listen to most often?
  • Pop
  • R&B
  • Reggae
  • Rap

Pick a texture/pattern!

Pick a texture/pattern!
  • Glitter
  • Polka dots
  • Camouflage
  • Tie dye

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how much do you enjoy performing in front of others?

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how much do you enjoy performing in front of others?
  • 1-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-10

What's your secret obsession?

What's your secret obsession?
  • Singing in the shower
  • Playing practical jokes
  • Free-style rapping
  • Sneaking naps into your work day

Choose a verb!

Choose a verb!
  • Dancing
  • Laughing
  • Working
  • Napping

What type of person are you?

What type of person are you?
  • Optimist
  • Realist
  • A bit of both!

What kind of life do you aim to live?

What kind of life do you aim to live?
  • A fabulous life
  • A fun life
  • A successful life
  • A peaceful life