What Number Matches Your Personality?
1jBGQJq What Number Matches Your Personality? What Number Matches Your Personality? The truth is in the numbers!

Which word would you use to best describe yourself?

Which word would you use to best describe yourself?
  • Spontaneous
  • Romantic
  • Ambitious
  • Down-to-earth
  • Happy

Pick a letter of the alphabet!

Pick a letter of the alphabet!
  • A
  • L
  • S
  • T
  • Q

Which of these is your favorite hobby?

Which of these is your favorite hobby?
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Dancing
  • Figuring out riddles
  • Hiking

What's your favorite pizza topping combination?

What's your favorite pizza topping combination?
  • Pepperoni & Cheese
  • Margherita Pizza
  • Meat Lover's Pizza
  • Supreme (all toppings)
  • Pineapple & Ham

Which animal do you feel is most like you?

Which animal do you feel is most like you?
  • Swan
  • Chimpanzee
  • Bear
  • Puppy
  • Lynx

What is your favorite part of the day?

What is your favorite part of the day?
  • The start of the day
  • Whenever I see friends or family
  • Dinner time
  • The entire day!
  • That period of time right before the the sun starts to set

Which holiday do you get most excited for?

Which holiday do you get most excited for?
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Valentine's Day
  • Halloween
  • International Day of Pancakes

What do you dream about the most?

What do you dream about the most?
  • Winning the lottery
  • Flying and floating
  • Finding Prince Charming/the perfect girl
  • Very realististic events that could happen right now
  • Purple furry pizza monsters

Which character in Harry Potter do you like best?

Which character in Harry Potter do you like best?
  • Hermoine
  • Ron
  • Ginny
  • Hagrid
  • Dobby

Pick a movie snack!

Pick a movie snack!
  • Popcorn
  • M&Ms
  • Pretzel
  • Licorice
  • Hot dog