What Type Of Wife Are You?
1fe85RC What Type Of Wife Are You? What Type Of Wife Are You? Yes, even wives come with a multitude of strengths and weaknesses that all add up to a certain type. Do you know what type of wife you are? Take these 10 questions and find out!

It's 3:00 PM on a Saturday afternoon. Where could we find your husband?

It's 3:00 PM on a Saturday afternoon. Where could we find your husband?
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Lounging on the couch
  • Running errands with me
  • Catching a flick with me
  • Taking the kids to soccer
  • Other

How do you and your spouse celebrate your wedding anniversary?

How do you and your spouse celebrate your wedding anniversary?
  • We don't typically celebrate our anniversary
  • We plan a fun weekend getaway
  • We go on a nice relaxed date
  • I make reservations and lay out his clothes
  • If we remember we just stay in and watch movies
  • Other

You've got a nasty case of the flu. What happens?

You've got a nasty case of the flu. What happens?
  • All hell breaks loose because my husband is lost without me
  • I write my spouse a to-do list
  • My spouse takes care of me
  • My spouse keeps the kids out of my hair so I can rest
  • Other

Your husband just caught the flu from you. What's your role?

Your husband just caught the flu from you. What's your role?
  • I take care of him
  • I let him ride it out
  • I load him up on medicine and let him rest
  • I make him chicken soup and put his favorite movies on
  • Other

How do you say goodbye to your spouse before work?

How do you say goodbye to your spouse before work?
  • A hug and a kiss
  • See you later
  • I hand him his lunch and the coffee I made him
  • I'm still in bed when he leaves
  • We tend to make out at the door
  • Other

Do you request that your spouse wear certain things everyday?

Do you request that your spouse wear certain things everyday?
  • Definitely he's clueless without my guidance
  • Nope he's not a little kids
  • I make suggestions
  • Every now and then if I want to see him in something special
  • Other

How often do you and your spouse plan a date night?

How often do you and your spouse plan a date night?
  • Every week
  • Every other week
  • Once a month
  • On our anniversary
  • Other

You just found a mouse in the kitchen. How do you handle it?

You just found a mouse in the kitchen. How do you handle it?
  • I scream for my spouse to kill it
  • I take matters into my own hands
  • I pass out
  • I buy no kill mouse traps
  • Refuse to go into the kitchen until it's gone

What do you typically get your spouse for their birthday?

What do you typically get your spouse for their birthday?
  • Something for his hobbies
  • A shared experience trip
  • Concert tickets
  • I make him something special
  • I don't get him birthday gifts

Do you and your spouse go to bed at the same time?

Do you and your spouse go to bed at the same time?
  • Occasionally we'll hit the hay together
  • We always go to bed together
  • We rarely go at the same time
  • He's up watching TV
  • Other