What Precious Stone Are You?
1f46730 What Precious Stone Are You? What Precious Stone Are You? Every stone might look the same but with a different color, but in actuality, there’s a huge difference between each of them that you might not know! Your personality must match up to one of them so you can find out what precious gem you are.

When push comes to shove, how easily do you fold?

When push comes to shove, how easily do you fold?
  • I stick to my guns 24/7
  • I'll cave in every now and then, but it's rare
  • If I'm being pushed too much, I'll fold pretty easily
  • I cave in almost immediately
  • It depends on each situation, if it's something I care about, not a chance

What quality do people tend to notice about you the most?

What quality do people tend to notice about you the most?
  • My hyper
  • My loyalty
  • My calm and collected attitude
  • My tough can-do attitude
  • My passion towards everything I do

When your friends are having a fight, how do you handle it?

When your friends are having a fight, how do you handle it?
  • I take them out to a place we all love and hope they have a good enough time to forget their problems
  • I try to calm everyone down to talk about the problem and get it solved
  • I tell them which one I think is right and let it play out
  • I try to stay out of it and let them figure it out
  • I try to give each person advice when they ask that will help to bring an end to the argument

When you want to have fun, where can you be found?

When you want to have fun, where can you be found?
  • Out with friends having a good time
  • Just doing whatever I feel like doing at the time; I like variety
  • Doing things with my favorite hobby
  • Hanging out in a cafe
  • Shopping

When you want to relax, what can you be found doing?

When you want to relax, what can you be found doing?
  • Reading
  • Taking care of animals
  • Playing video games
  • Shopping
  • Listening to music

What kind of friend are you?

What kind of friend are you?
  • The one who always has something to say
  • The listener
  • The one always trying to hang out
  • The trustworthy one
  • The motherly/fatherly one

Can other people usually tell what you're feeling or thinking?

Can other people usually tell what you're feeling or thinking?
  • Only if it's something I'm taking seriously
  • Some of the time
  • I occasionally slip up but most of the time, no
  • Not at all
  • Definitely

Do you share your thoughts openly with anyone?

Do you share your thoughts openly with anyone?
  • I share if asked
  • Not usually
  • The people who know me can usually tell what I'm thinking anyways
  • I'm always open about my opinions
  • Everyone thinks they know what I'm thinking, but I usually hide it pretty well

What emotion do you think you feel more often than any other?

What emotion do you think you feel more often than any other?
  • Fear or shyness
  • Skepticism
  • Anger
  • Disgust
  • Joy

What motivates you the most?

What motivates you the most?
  • My own desires and thoughts
  • Being able to have fun and live life
  • The things that await me in the future
  • My friends and family
  • Striving for what seems impossible