What Is Your Mental Age?
1bcdeb1 What Is Your Mental Age? What Is Your Mental Age? Are you still a child at heart?

What is a more pressing issue for you?

What is a more pressing issue for you?
  • Money
  • Death
  • Equality
  • Global warming
  • None of these

Have you ever told some "I love you" in a romantic sense?

Have you ever told some
  • Of course I have
  • Not yet

How many relationships have you been in?

How many relationships have you been in?
  • None
  • One
  • 2-3
  • 4-6
  • 7 or more

What type of party do you prefer?

What type of party do you prefer?
  • Clubbing
  • Wine tasting party
  • Dinner party
  • Just have a few friends over

Do you think people should adapt to situations or situations should adapt to people?

Do you think people should adapt to situations or situations should adapt to people?
  • People should adapt
  • Situations should adapt
  • I'm unsure

Where are you more likely to meet with friends?

Where are you more likely to meet with friends?
  • Indoors
  • Outdoors

Which of these would you rather be doing?

Which of these would you rather be doing?
  • Reading
  • Sunbathing
  • Hiking
  • Browsing the Internet
  • Watching tv

How many active social media accounts do you have?

How many active social media accounts do you have?
  • None
  • Just one
  • 2-4
  • 5-9
  • I can't even remember

Have you ever truly forgiven someone who has deeply hurt you?

Have you ever truly forgiven someone who has deeply hurt you?
  • Yes I have
  • No I haven't

Do you feel like a grown up?

Do you feel like a grown up?
  • Not at all
  • Sometimes I do
  • Yes I do