Which Underrated Accent Matches Your Personality?
1WVapbi Which Underrated Accent Matches Your Personality? Which Underrated Accent Matches Your Personality? Some accents get all the glory. Others, not so much! Which underrated accent really matches your personality best? Are you most like a Southern drawl? Perhaps, something more refined? Let's find out!

You're at a party and you only know the host. How do you act?

You're at a party and you only know the host. How do you act?
  • Friendly
  • Extremely friendly
  • Not very friendly
  • A bit standoffish
  • Confident

How often do you feel misunderstood?

How often do you feel misunderstood?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never
  • Define, misunderstood!

You have an unexpected evening off. What do you do?

You have an unexpected evening off. What do you do?
  • Head to the pub.
  • Shut off my phone and relax.
  • Go for a long walk.
  • Flip on Netflix.
  • Curl up with a good book.

What's the worst part of traveling?

What's the worst part of traveling?
  • Other people.
  • The cost.
  • Flying or driving.
  • Packing and unpacking.
  • Getting lost.

If someone cut you in line, what would you do?

If someone cut you in line, what would you do?
  • Call them out in front of everyone.
  • Cut them in line.
  • Politely ignore the situation.
  • Curse them out.
  • Let it go, who cares?

Do you consider yourself a tough person?

Do you consider yourself a tough person?
  • Yes, extremely.
  • More than I look.
  • Less than I look.
  • Way more than I look.
  • Eh, not sure.

What's most important to you in a friend?

What's most important to you in a friend?
  • Loyalty
  • Honesty
  • Humor
  • Dependability
  • Common interest

Would people describe you as having a "sunny" personality?

Would people describe you as having a
  • That's a joke.
  • Yes, I'm always quite sunny!
  • Sometimes, depends on the day.
  • Nope, I'm more like a dark grey cloud.

What do you love to complain about?

What do you love to complain about?
  • Anything and everything.
  • Other people, they're the worst.
  • The weather.
  • Politics.
  • Nothing, I see the best in everything!

At the end of the day, what matters most to you in life is....

At the end of the day, what matters most to you in life is....
  • Family
  • Money
  • Success
  • Faith
  • Happiness