What Small Change Could Save You $1000s a Year?
1VgbrZj What Small Change Could Save You $1000s a Year? What Small Change Could Save You $1000s a Year? Take this quiz to reveal what small change could pad your pocket with thousands.

How far out do you plan your vacations?

How far out do you plan your vacations?
  • Over a year out
  • 6-12 months out
  • 2-5 months out
  • Usually last minute
  • I don't vacation

Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest on your ability to manage money.

Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest on your ability to manage money.
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Be honest, how many times a week do you treat yourself to a Starbucks or other gourmet beverage?

Be honest, how many times a week do you treat yourself to a Starbucks or other gourmet beverage?
  • More than 5 times
  • 3-4
  • 1 or 2
  • 0

Do you make a shopping list before you go grocery shopping?

Do you make a shopping list before you go grocery shopping?
  • Yes, and I stick to it
  • Yes, but I use it only as a suggestion
  • No

Do you have your household bills set up for automatic bill pay?

Do you have your household bills set up for automatic bill pay?
  • Yes
  • No

How often do you order a drink from the bar or when you go out to eat?

How often do you order a drink from the bar or when you go out to eat?
  • More than 5 times a week
  • 3-4 times a week
  • 1-2 times a week
  • Never

Do you buy organic produce?

Do you buy organic produce?
  • Yes
  • Occasionally
  • No

Do you ever look to buy something second hand at either a store like Goodwill or an online forum like Craigslist?

Do you ever look to buy something second hand at either a store like Goodwill or an online forum like Craigslist?
  • Yes
  • No

Do you ever leave Target with a dollar section purchase that you didn't plan on?

Do you ever leave Target with a dollar section purchase that you didn't plan on?
  • Yes
  • No

Do you know your credit score?

Do you know your credit score?
  • Yes
  • No