What Kind Of Vacation Fits Your Personality?
1LlUPCm What Kind Of Vacation Fits Your Personality? What Kind Of Vacation Fits Your Personality? You might think you know which vacation you’re meant to go on, but do you really? It’s time to find out what kind of vacation really fits your personality!

When it comes to getting away, what do you prefer?

When it comes to getting away, what do you prefer?
  • Hustle and bustle
  • Anything outdoors
  • Endless activities
  • Local culture
  • Rest and relaxation

Your friend calls you up and invites you to join her on a weekend vacation four hours away by car. To you that sounds....

Your friend calls you up and invites you to join her on a weekend vacation four hours away by car. To you that sounds....
  • Super exciting
  • Like pure torture
  • Like it has potential
  • A little tiring but fun

When looking at vacation magazines, you find yourself drawn to images of....

When looking at vacation magazines, you find yourself drawn to images of....
  • Lush, outdoor landscapes.
  • Dramatic city skylines.
  • Secluded beaches
  • Serene hammocks and trees

Your co-worker just got back from a weekend fling in Las Vegas. How do you feel....

Your co-worker just got back from a weekend fling in Las Vegas. How do you feel....
  • I'm glad she didn't ask me to join her
  • Jealous of all the fun she had
  • Excited for her
  • Vegas isn't really my scene

You win a radio contest offering airline tickets to anyplace in the world. Your first thought is:

You win a radio contest offering airline tickets to anyplace in the world. Your first thought is:
  • A different country
  • A remote island
  • Alaska
  • Australia

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Black

Your idea of adventure consists of:

Your idea of adventure consists of:
  • A junket through Morocco on my way to India.
  • The Jungle Cruise ride at Disneyland.
  • Mountain biking the Great Allegheny Passage from Washington, D.C. to Pennsylvania and beyond.

Would you rather go for a walk or read a book?

Would you rather go for a walk or read a book?
  • Go for a walk
  • Read a book
  • I enjoy both at separate times

How often do you find yourself going out socially with friends?

How often do you find yourself going out socially with friends?
  • Three times a week
  • Once a week
  • Every other week
  • Never

Do you often hurry to places even if you have plenty of time?

Do you often hurry to places even if you have plenty of time?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Only if I'm running late
  • Never