What Percentage Of Hillary Clinton Are You?
1EgMOqc What Percentage Of Hillary Clinton Are You? What Percentage Of Hillary Clinton Are You? How similar are you?

Would you consider yourself spontaneous?

Would you consider yourself spontaneous?
  • Not at all
  • It depends
  • I would say so

How many hours do you work in an average day?

How many hours do you work in an average day?
  • 5 or less
  • 5-6 hours
  • 6-7 hours
  • 7-8 hours
  • 8+ hours

What would you say your best quality is?

What would you say your best quality is?
  • I'm honest
  • I'm patient
  • I'm educated
  • I'm caring
  • Other

What do you believe is your worst quality?

What do you believe is your worst quality?
  • I can be harsh on others
  • I can be selfish
  • I can be hot-headed
  • I can be too shy
  • Other

What do you usually prefer to do with your money?

What do you usually prefer to do with your money?
  • Save it
  • Spend it
  • Donate it

Do you usually speak your mind?

Do you usually speak your mind?
  • Of course
  • It depends
  • Not at all

When was the last time you donated to charity?

When was the last time you donated to charity?
  • Today
  • A few days ago
  • A few weeks ago
  • A few months ago
  • I don't even remember

How interested are you in politics?

How interested are you in politics?
  • Extremely interested
  • I'm somewhat interested
  • I'm not interested

Do you consider yourself a confident person?

Do you consider yourself a confident person?
  • Definitely
  • Not at all

Do you stick to your opinions no matter what?

Do you stick to your opinions no matter what?
  • Of course
  • I do unless I'm given a good argument
  • Not at all