What Is Your Recipe For Your Life?
190O1U6 What Is Your Recipe For Your Life? What Is Your Recipe For Your Life? Your life is made up of a variety of characteristics. This recipe has been altered and tweaked throughout the years until the end result is what makes you YOU. Take this quiz to reveal what YOUR recipe for life is.

Which of the following words best described your IDEAL relationship?

Which of the following words best described your IDEAL relationship?
  • Thrilling
  • Solid
  • Evolving
  • Fun

Which of the following colors do you think best expresses your personality?

Which of the following colors do you think best expresses your personality?
  • Snow White
  • Sunny Yellow
  • Regal Purple
  • Electryfying Emerald
  • Blissful Blue

In your opinion, happiness comes.

In your opinion, happiness comes.
  • From within
  • From outside factors
  • From the combination of within and outside factors

Pick a superpower.

Pick a superpower.
  • The ability to fly
  • Invisibility
  • Super strength
  • The ability to read minds
  • The clarity to see the future

If you could travel to any city of the cities below this summer, what would your FIRST choice be?

If you could travel to any city of the cities below this summer, what would your FIRST choice be?
  • Paris
  • London
  • Las Vegas
  • Tokyo
  • Sydney

What types of gifts are the most meaningful for you to receive?

What types of gifts are the most meaningful for you to receive?
  • Material gifts
  • The gift of time
  • Physical gifts such as a massage
  • The gift of laughter
  • A heartfelt letter or poem

When was the last time that you overcame a major obstacle in life?

When was the last time that you overcame a major obstacle in life?
  • This year
  • A few years ago
  • It has been a long time or I haven't faced a particurally challenging obstacle yet

Which of the following situations did you laugh at the last time you laughed?

Which of the following situations did you laugh at the last time you laughed?
  • Something funny that I saw or read
  • In response to a story or joke that was told to me
  • Because of a funny thought
  • None of these

In life do you feel as if you mainly act or are acted upon?

In life do you feel as if you mainly act or are acted upon?
  • Act
  • Acted upon
  • A combination of the two

Finally, pick one quality that you want to be remembered as possessing.

Finally, pick one quality that you want to be remembered as possessing.
  • Kindness
  • Intelligence
  • Wit
  • Bravery
  • Grit