What Quote Describes You Best?
18Jv9wR What Quote Describes You Best? What Quote Describes You Best? How will you be described?

Are pessimistic or optimistic?

Are pessimistic or optimistic?
  • Pessimistic
  • Optimistic
  • A bit of both

What are you usually looking towards?

What are you usually looking towards?
  • The past
  • The present
  • The future

What were you like as a child?

What were you like as a child?
  • Adventures
  • Fearless
  • Quiet
  • Curious
  • Other

What would you say your main goal in life is?

What would you say your main goal in life is?
  • To be happy
  • To have no regrets
  • To take chances
  • To experience as much as I can
  • I'm not sure

Have you've ever given up on something you really wanted in order to make someone happy?

Have you've ever given up on something you really wanted in order to make someone happy?
  • I guess
  • Yes
  • No

If you could back in life and change a defining moment, would you?

If you could back in life and change a defining moment, would you?
  • Of course not
  • I think so
  • Without a doubt

What emotion do you usually feel strongest?

What emotion do you usually feel strongest?
  • Hate
  • Regret
  • Sadness
  • Happiness
  • Other

Do you take your life seriously?

Do you take your life seriously?
  • Yes I do
  • Not at all
  • Somewhat

Which do you believe is more important: to love or be loved?

Which do you believe is more important: to love or be loved?
  • To love
  • To be loved
  • I'm unsure

What do you do when life kicks you down?

What do you do when life kicks you down?
  • Just get back up
  • Keep fighting
  • Start to cry
  • Talk to people about it
  • Other