Are You The Survivor, The Killer, Or The Victim?
16BJBdN Are You The Survivor, The Killer, Or The Victim? Are You The Survivor, The Killer, Or The Victim? In a typical drama or suspense thriller, which character would you play? Are you the determined survivor, ruthless killer, or innocent victim? Take this to find out!

Which word describes your personality best?

Which word describes your personality best?
  • Passionate
  • Strong
  • Kind-hearted

What kind of movies do you enjoy watching most?

What kind of movies do you enjoy watching most?
  • Romantic Comedy
  • Drama
  • Thriller/Suspense

Which high school 'hall of fame' award were you most likely to win?

Which high school 'hall of fame' award were you most likely to win?
  • Most Likely To Succeed
  • Rebel
  • Jock
  • Sweetest
  • Class Clown

Which safari animal is your spirit animal?

Which safari animal is your spirit animal?
  • Lion
  • Giraffe
  • Rhinoceros
  • Baboon
  • Ostrich
  • Leopard

What's your favorite part about the 4th of July?

What's your favorite part about the 4th of July?
  • Fireworks
  • Food
  • Family & friends

Pick a cold drink to cool you off on a hot summer day!

Pick a cold drink to cool you off on a hot summer day!
  • Lemonade
  • Iced Tea
  • Fruit Smoothie

Who is your favorite TV talk show host?

Who is your favorite TV talk show host?
  • Ellen DeGeneres
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Jerry Springer

When you are stressed out or frustrated, what do you do to calm down?

When you are stressed out or frustrated, what do you do to calm down?
  • Go running
  • Punch a pillow
  • Meditate

Where's your dream vacation spot?

Where's your dream vacation spot?
  • Bahamas
  • Amsterdam
  • Hong Kong

Which trait is most attractive to you in a significant other?

Which trait is most attractive to you in a significant other?
  • Romanticism
  • Spontaneity
  • Loyalty