What Is Your Humor Score?
155a854 What Is Your Humor Score? What Is Your Humor Score? We all have a humor score, but some of us are simply more humorous than others. Do you know what your humor score is? Let's find out?

When you tell a story at work, what are people usually doing?

When you tell a story at work, what are people usually doing?
  • Crying from laughter
  • Rolling their eyes
  • Texting
  • Hanging on my every word

When you're thinking about something funny, do you typically laugh out loud?

When you're thinking about something funny, do you typically laugh out loud?
  • Definitely not
  • Absolutely
  • Sometimes

What do you use social media for?

What do you use social media for?
  • Enteraining the masses
  • Sharing funny photos
  • Sharing my personal details
  • Connecting with friends

Do you typically find pop culture to be annoying?

Do you typically find pop culture to be annoying?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

What do you believe humor is?

What do you believe humor is?
  • Finding a silver lining
  • A natural reaction to the world around you
  • A sign of intelligence
  • A great point of connection

Do you enjoy being the center of attention?

Do you enjoy being the center of attention?
  • Absolutely not
  • Sometimes
  • It depends on the situation
  • Absolutely

Do you believe that you're funny?

Do you believe that you're funny?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

What do you believe is your greatest personality trait?

What do you believe is your greatest personality trait?
  • Understanding
  • Loyalty
  • Intelligence
  • Good taste
  • Humor

How long do your phone calls typically last?

How long do your phone calls typically last?
  • Hours and hours
  • A little under an hour
  • Like a half hour
  • A few minutes

How hard is it to make you laugh?

How hard is it to make you laugh?
  • Pretty hard
  • Not hard at all
  • It's very easy