How Connected Are You With Your Partner?
13355IV How Connected Are You With Your Partner? How Connected Are You With Your Partner? Connection goes beyond closeness. When you form a connection to another person you feel an unbreakable bond that tethers you to them forever. How connected are you and your partner?

How often do you tell your partner that you love him/her?

How often do you tell your partner that you love him/her?
  • Several times a day
  • Once a day
  • Every few days
  • Once a week
  • When I feel the need to

When your partner is having a rough time in life or at work, do you listen intently to their problems?

When your partner is having a rough time in life or at work, do you listen intently to their problems?
  • Absolutely
  • I listen and relay information back to them
  • I not only listen but I try to advise and console
  • I half listen
  • I attempt to listen

When your partner asks you to do a favor for them, do you ask for anything in return?

When your partner asks you to do a favor for them, do you ask for anything in return?
  • Yes, it's only fair
  • No I do it because I love them
  • I hope for something in return but I don't ask
  • No but they'll return the favor anyway

What do you most often find you and your partner talking about?

What do you most often find you and your partner talking about?
  • Finances
  • Anything and everything
  • Work
  • Politics
  • Our goals and ambitions
  • Other

How often do you find yourself engaged in an argument with your partner?

How often do you find yourself engaged in an argument with your partner?
  • Everyday
  • Once a week
  • Once a month
  • Rarely
  • Never

Do you feel sexually attracted to your partner?

Do you feel sexually attracted to your partner?
  • Rawr! Yes!
  • Sometimes
  • Sadly not really

Do you find your partner's habits to be annoying or quirky/cute?

Do you find your partner's habits to be annoying or quirky/cute?
  • Quirky/cute
  • Annoying
  • It depends on the day

Answer truthfully: I did something nice for my partner this week.

Answer truthfully: I did something nice for my partner this week.
  • Yes
  • No
  • How nice?

My partner did something nice and unexpected for me this week.

My partner did something nice and unexpected for me this week.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Define nice?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your partner's feelings?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your partner's feelings?
  • I hate to admit it but yes
  • No I never feel overwhelmed
  • Every now and then