What’s Your Random Witch Name?
1129506 What’s Your Random Witch Name? What’s Your Random Witch Name? Just in time for Halloween, it's time to reveal your random witch name! Share this quiz with your friends and find out who's really the witchiest of them all. Happy hauntings!

Have you ever had a dream that came true?

Have you ever had a dream that came true?
  • Yes, I've had many!
  • Maybe once or twice.
  • Yes, but it was probably a coincidence.
  • Not that I can recall...

Have you ever correctly guessed the gender of a pregnant woman's baby?

Have you ever correctly guessed the gender of a pregnant woman's baby?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I can't recall

Your significant other has a headache. What do you do?

Your significant other has a headache. What do you do?
  • Give them aromatherapy oils
  • Rub their back
  • Give them painkillers
  • Put on a cold compress

Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?

Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
  • I'm move of a cat person
  • I'm more of a dog person
  • I love both

Do you use a lot of spices and herbs in your cooking?

Do you use a lot of spices and herbs in your cooking?
  • I just follow the recipe
  • I believe herbs add something special to every recipe
  • I'm love cooking with spices
  • It depends on the dish

What are your thoughts on children?

What are your thoughts on children?
  • They're the future!
  • They're little brats!
  • I loathe kids!
  • I love kids!

What do you use to make your house smell nice?

What do you use to make your house smell nice?
  • Burn incense
  • Plug in air freshners
  • Light some candles
  • Diffuse essential oils

What kind of spell are you most likely to cast?

What kind of spell are you most likely to cast?
  • A love spell
  • A mind control spell
  • A get rich spell
  • A time warp spell

When it comes to difficult decisions, how do you tend to react?

When it comes to difficult decisions, how do you tend to react?
  • With my head
  • With my heart
  • It depends on the situation

What's the scariest thing about you?

What's the scariest thing about you?
  • My attitude
  • My morning breath
  • My hair on a humid day
  • My style
  • My cackle