Which Haircut Should You Get?
0xRlkmR Which Haircut Should You Get? Which Haircut Should You Get? Our hair can say so much about our personalities. Do you think you know which haircut best fits your personality? Take this quiz and find out!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Introvert
  • Extrovert
  • A mix of both

Do you like to style your hair or just wash and dry?

Do you like to style your hair or just wash and dry?
  • Style
  • Wash and dry
  • It depends on the day

What is your favorite thing about your face?

What is your favorite thing about your face?
  • My cheekbones
  • My expressive eyebrows
  • My pretty eyes
  • My smooth skin
  • My beautiful smile
  • Other

Describe your fashion sense in one word:

Describe your fashion sense in one word:
  • Edgy
  • Vintage
  • Classic
  • Trendy
  • Comfortable
  • Other

What are you like in the morning?

What are you like in the morning?
  • Irritable
  • Exhausted
  • Drinking as much coffee as I can find
  • Running around like a maniac
  • Totally calm and ready for the day
  • Other

What is the most satisfying feeling in the world?

What is the most satisfying feeling in the world?
  • Taking off your shoes at the end of a long day
  • Taking a hot shower on a cold day
  • Climbing into freshly washed sheets
  • Listening to your favorite song
  • Getting a back rub
  • Other

What do you most frequently receive compliments about?

What do you most frequently receive compliments about?
  • Your eyes
  • Your smile
  • Your style
  • Your intelligence
  • Your wit
  • Other

Which hair trend are you guilty of having tried?

Which hair trend are you guilty of having tried?
  • Perm
  • Crimped hair
  • Teased hair
  • Butterfly clips
  • Hair wraps
  • Other

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Indigo
  • Violet

What is your favorite Friday night activity?

What is your favorite Friday night activity?
  • Dinner and a movie
  • Hitting the bar scene
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Dancing
  • Staying in and reading
  • Other