What Kind Of Driver Are You?
0x827oI What Kind Of Driver Are You? What Kind Of Driver Are You? You might think you’re the world’s greatest driver (face it, we all do), but are you really? Take these 10 questions and find out just what kind of driver you truly are!

Do you consider yourself to be an aggressive or defensive driver?

Do you consider yourself to be an aggressive or defensive driver?
  • Aggressive
  • Defensive
  • In between

How often do you find yourself passing others?

How often do you find yourself passing others?
  • Changing lanes is my game
  • Probably too often
  • When they're going to slow
  • Hardly ever

Be honest, how often do you drive the speed limit?

Be honest, how often do you drive the speed limit?
  • Who drives the speed limit?
  • I always go 5-10 mph over
  • I always go the speed limit
  • It depends on my mood

When is it okay to lay on the car horn?

When is it okay to lay on the car horn?
  • When someone is distracted
  • When someone isn't moving fast enough
  • If I'm in a bad mood
  • Never

Turn signals are absolutely _____________.

Turn signals are absolutely _____________.
  • Mandatory
  • Optional
  • Up to the driver

Be honest, while driving you're totally guilty of......

Be honest, while driving you're totally guilty of......
  • Drinking coffee
  • Eating food
  • Texting
  • Daydreaming
  • Yelling at the kids

When going on a road trip with the family, who typically drives?

When going on a road trip with the family, who typically drives?
  • I do
  • My significant other
  • Some other family member
  • We take turns

What does "yield" mean to you?

What does
  • Stop and pause
  • Carefully check for the clear and proceed
  • Proceed

How often do you change the radio while driving?

How often do you change the radio while driving?
  • All the time
  • Only at stoplights
  • Never

How do you kill time when sitting in traffic?

How do you kill time when sitting in traffic?
  • I go on my phone
  • I sing and dance
  • I talk to my passengers or out loud
  • I just sit there