What Is Your Hidden Psychic Ability?
0uIAfkN What Is Your Hidden Psychic Ability? What Is Your Hidden Psychic Ability? Have you ever wondered what your hidden psychic ability might be? Take this quiz to find out the answer!

Choose your favorite form of art!

Choose your favorite form of art!
  • Abstract art
  • Writing, such as poetry and ficiton
  • Film
  • Historic paintings
  • I'm not really interested in any of these

Choose one word that describes you!

Choose one word that describes you!
  • Perceptive
  • Inspired
  • Insightful
  • Not one word, but you have been called an "old soul"
  • None of these apply to me

Have you ever written something down without being at all conscious of doing so? Did it seem strange or inspired in some way? This is automatic writing!

Have you ever written something down without being at all conscious of doing so? Did it seem strange or inspired in some way? This is automatic writing!
  • Yes, I have
  • Not exactly like that
  • No, I don't think so

Have you ever had an experience in which you dreamed of something from a time before you were born, and the subject matter was something you had no acquaintance with? Was it a very realistic dream? Th

Have you ever had an experience in which you dreamed of something from a time before you were born, and the subject matter was something you had no acquaintance with? Was it a very realistic dream? Th
  • Yes, I have!
  • I've had a dream about an historical period, but it wasn't very realistic
  • I've had a dream about something in the distant past, but I had some ideas about it already

When looking at a person, have you ever seen an inexplicable haze of color appear around any part of them (especially around their head)? This is aura reading.

When looking at a person, have you ever seen an inexplicable haze of color appear around any part of them (especially around their head)? This is aura reading.
  • Yes, I have
  • Maybe once or twice, but I'm not sure
  • No, I haven't

Have you ever had a vision of something that was happening somewhere away from where you were, and later found out that your vision was accurate? This is remote viewing!

Have you ever had a vision of something that was happening somewhere away from where you were, and later found out that your vision was accurate? This is remote viewing!
  • Yes, I have
  • I think I have, but it wasn't completely accurate
  • No, I haven't

Have you ever successfully communicated with someone else just through your thoughts (especially with someone who was far away)? Did you somehow verify that this had happened with the other person aft

Have you ever successfully communicated with someone else just through your thoughts (especially with someone who was far away)? Did you somehow verify that this had happened with the other person aft
  • Yes, I have, and it was verified
  • I think I did, but I couldn't verify
  • No, I haven't

How strong do you generally feel that your psychic tendencies are?

How strong do you generally feel that your psychic tendencies are?
  • Strong
  • Could be strong, but I'm not sure
  • Not very strong

In question 3, we talked about automatic writing. If you have experienced automatic writing, how many times have you done so?

In question 3, we talked about automatic writing. If you have experienced automatic writing, how many times have you done so?
  • 3 or more
  • 1 or 2
  • I haven't experienced automatic writing

Have strongly psychic do you feel your dreams are?

Have strongly psychic do you feel your dreams are?
  • I feel they're often very strongly psychic in some way
  • I feel they sometimes have strong psychic aspects
  • I feel they are not generally psychic in any respect