Where Do You Fall On the Life Satisfaction Scale?
0mG69kq Where Do You Fall On the Life Satisfaction Scale? Where Do You Fall On the Life Satisfaction Scale? You may think you're very satisfied with life, but where you do really fall on the life satisfaction scale? It's time to find out just how well life is really going! Take these 10 questions and discover where you fall on the life satisfaction scale!

At this current moment, you would say your life is....

At this current moment, you would say your life is....
  • Ideal
  • Enjoyable
  • A rollercoaster
  • Difficult
  • Okay

The biggest complaint you have about your life right now is...

The biggest complaint you have about your life right now is...
  • I don't seem to have enough time to get everything done
  • I'm a bit overwhelmed
  • I don't see friends or family often enough
  • I never have any time for me
  • Things are all over the place

How often do you speak to members of your family (those that don't live with you)?

How often do you speak to members of your family (those that don't live with you)?
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Every few months
  • Yearly

Are you currently in a satisfying relationship?

Are you currently in a satisfying relationship?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It's complicated

Which of these things brings you the most joy daily?

Which of these things brings you the most joy daily?
  • My pets
  • My family
  • My work
  • My workout
  • My TV time

Upon waking, you typically feel...

Upon waking, you typically feel...
  • Energized
  • Optimistic
  • Annoyed
  • Anxious
  • Tired

Are you working in a fulfilling field of work?

Are you working in a fulfilling field of work?
  • I love my job
  • My job is just a job
  • I hate my job
  • I have a love/hate relationship with my job

How do you challenge and treat yourself on a regular basis?

How do you challenge and treat yourself on a regular basis?
  • I try new things
  • I schedule plenty of "me" time
  • I take classes
  • I step outside of my comfort zone
  • I don't challenge or treat myself regularly

In difficult situations you tend to...

In difficult situations you tend to...
  • Look for a silver lining
  • Stay optimistic
  • Look for help
  • Shut down

Have you become disenchanted with the idea of "true love?"

Have you become disenchanted with the idea of
  • Yes
  • No
  • Every now and then