How Many Kids Could You Really Handle?
0jcwerQ How Many Kids Could You Really Handle? How Many Kids Could You Really Handle? You might think you could handle a family the size of a basketball team, but could you really? It’s time to find out if how many children you’re capable of handling!

You walk in the door after work to find the dog pooped on the kitchen floor, your teenager brought friends over, and there are towering piles of laundry everywhere. Are you feeling a bit stressed out?

You walk in the door after work to find the dog pooped on the kitchen floor, your teenager brought friends over, and there are towering piles of laundry everywhere. Are you feeling a bit stressed out?
  • Stressed is too kind of a word
  • I'm overwhelmed
  • I'm laughing at the absurdity of the situation
  • I'm stressed but ready to tackle each mess one step at a time
  • Messes happen

What part of non-parenthood would you miss the most?

What part of non-parenthood would you miss the most?
  • Nights out with friends
  • The freedom of doing whatever I want
  • Hair that is free from both snot and cheerios
  • Nothing I love being a parent
  • The quiet

One kid has to be at soccer and the other kid has to be at dance. What are you whipping up for dinner in a flash?

One kid has to be at soccer and the other kid has to be at dance. What are you whipping up for dinner in a flash?
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Spaghetti and meatballs
  • Take out still counts right?
  • Grilled cheese
  • Nights like this is are why fast food exists

How often did you fight with your siblings as a child?

How often did you fight with your siblings as a child?
  • All we did was fight
  • I've used a Barbie as a club on more than one ocassion
  • We bickered often
  • We never fought

How do you feel about animated movies?

How do you feel about animated movies?
  • I love them
  • I hate them
  • They're awesome in 3D
  • Some are good and some are bad

What's the most important trait to have as a parent?

What's the most important trait to have as a parent?
  • Patience
  • Discipline
  • Devotion
  • Resilience
  • A good sense of humor

What are your feelings towards babies?

What are your feelings towards babies?
  • Excitement
  • Fear
  • Interest
  • Indifference
  • Cuteness overload

How would you describe your interior design style?

How would you describe your interior design style?
  • Shabby chic
  • Playful and sparse
  • Modern and sleek
  • Rustic and charming
  • Quirky and vintage

Would you classify yourself as a workaholic?

Would you classify yourself as a workaholic?
  • Most definitely
  • I have a tendency to put work first
  • I always put family first
  • I've managed to strike a good balance between work and family

Do you always follow a plan or do you live life by the seat of your pants?

Do you always follow a plan or do you live life by the seat of your pants?
  • I'm a planner
  • I fly by the seat of my pants
  • I do a bit of both
  • I think certain situations call for each