Which Bible Character Are You?
0bcde21 Which Bible Character Are You? Which Bible Character Are You? The Bible is largely considered one of the most important historical texts in history. With a ride range of people and places, the Bible featured several distinct characters. Which one are you? Take this quiz and find out!

Which do you prefer, the Old Testament or the New Testament?

Which do you prefer, the Old Testament or the New Testament?
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Both

You have just heard about the new messiah, what do you do?

You have just heard about the new messiah, what do you do?
  • Go to him and spread his word
  • Whatever God tells me to do
  • Wait for the Messiah to come to me
  • Nothing

What is your favorite biblical animal?

What is your favorite biblical animal?
  • Lamb
  • Lion
  • I can't choose
  • Snake
  • Dove

What do you do if a homeless person asks you for change?

What do you do if a homeless person asks you for change?
  • Give him some change and move on
  • Walk by as fast as possible
  • Give him my love and support instead of money
  • Offer to help him find shelter and a warm meal

How do you usually spend your weekends?

How do you usually spend your weekends?
  • Volunteering
  • Taking my pets to the park
  • Hanging out with my friends
  • Hanging out with my significant other
  • Doing community outreach

How do you feel about traveling?

How do you feel about traveling?
  • I love a good adventure
  • It depends on the destination
  • Only for vacation
  • I prefer the comforts of home

Are you more introverted or extroverted?

Are you more introverted or extroverted?
  • Definitely an introvert
  • I'm very extroverted
  • I can be both

How do you handle your anger?

How do you handle your anger?
  • I scream until it's all out
  • I don't typically get angry
  • I have a tendency to fight
  • I'm very passive so I keep it in
  • I write about it

What word best describes you?

What word best describes you?
  • Brave
  • Strong
  • Instigator
  • Leader
  • Intellectual

What do you do when a friend is having a difficult time?

What do you do when a friend is having a difficult time?
  • Lend a listening ear
  • Give them advice
  • Write them a nice letter
  • Ignore them until they feel better
  • Offer to give them rides to therapy or a support group