Which US President Are You?
0bac4c7 Which US President Are You? Which US President Are You? Love em' or hate em', each US president brings something unique to the table. Do you know which US President you're most like? Take this revealing quiz and discover the truth! You may be more presidential than you think!

How are you built?

How are you built?
  • Like a barrel.
  • Average build.
  • Tall and lanky.
  • Thin and wiry.
  • A bit of chub.

Which political party do you belong to?

Which political party do you belong to?
  • Democrat
  • Republican
  • None of these

How are you as a public speaker?

How are you as a public speaker?
  • Lively
  • Inspiring
  • Blunt
  • Soaring
  • Rocky

Which pet would you take to the White House?

Which pet would you take to the White House?
  • Dog
  • Parrot
  • Rabbit
  • Cat
  • No pets for me please!

How would you describe the nature of your relationship with your spouse?

How would you describe the nature of your relationship with your spouse?
  • All smiles
  • Rocky
  • Tight
  • Close
  • Complicated

Choose your favourite tipple:

Choose your favourite tipple:
  • Beer
  • Fortified wine
  • Cocktail
  • Whiskey
  • Water

Do you have any chronic health problems?

Do you have any chronic health problems?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It's complicated

How did you work your way up the ladder?

How did you work your way up the ladder?
  • Nepotism
  • The military
  • Hard work
  • Taking a big risk
  • Persuading the people

How many children would you have in your ideal family?

How many children would you have in your ideal family?
  • 1-3
  • 4-6
  • Zero
  • I'd prefer not to say

Choose a hobby:

Choose a hobby:
  • Golf
  • Hunting
  • Wrestling
  • Stamp collecting
  • Reading