Which TV Mom Best Fits Your Personality?
0YlZMA6 Which TV Mom Best Fits Your Personality? Which TV Mom Best Fits Your Personality? Which Mom from the Small Screen are you the most like? Think you know the answer? Take this quiz to find out.

If you could mother in any decade, which of the following decades would you choose?

If you could mother in any decade, which of the following decades would you choose?
  • The Fifties
  • The Eighties
  • I like being a modern mom

How would you describe your family?

How would you describe your family?
  • Traditional
  • Modern

Do you work outside the home?

Do you work outside the home?
  • Yes, full time
  • Yes, part time or I work from home
  • Being a mom keeps me busy enough

How many children do you have?

How many children do you have?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4 or more

How old is your youngest?

How old is your youngest?
  • Still a baby
  • Still a toddler
  • 4-7
  • 8-12
  • 13 or older

Has your husband or partner ever accused you of being over-protective?

Has your husband or partner ever accused you of being over-protective?
  • Yes
  • No

What kind of lunch do you kids usually eat?

What kind of lunch do you kids usually eat?
  • One that I packed with love
  • Whatever the cafeteria is serving
  • Whatever they grab for themselves
  • Whatever the maid packed

Pick one word to describe your family

Pick one word to describe your family
  • Fun
  • Quirky
  • Supportive
  • Busy
  • None of these

Be honest, do you have a favorite child?

Be honest, do you have a favorite child?
  • Yes! I can't help it
  • Yes, but who it is changes
  • No, I love all of my children equally

What is your favorite part about being a mom?

What is your favorite part about being a mom?
  • Smelling their delicious heads
  • Watching them grow
  • Helping them with their problems
  • Supporting who they are
  • Missing them when they are asleep