Which Famous Movie Line Could Be From Your Life?
0Vz2xHv Which Famous Movie Line Could Be From Your Life? Which Famous Movie Line Could Be From Your Life?

Pick the color that makes you feel the most energetic.

Pick the color that makes you feel the most energetic.
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Pink

Are you currently in love?

Are you currently in love?
  • Yes
  • No

You consider yourself a(n)...

You consider yourself a(n)...
  • Optimist
  • Pessimist
  • Realist
  • None of these

Why do you think that life is full of so many struggles?

Why do you think that life is full of so many struggles?
  • To make people stronger
  • To weed out the weak from the strong
  • Bad luck
  • It isn't

When it comes to money you...

When it comes to money you...
  • Feel like you have enough
  • Could use some more
  • Don't really worry about it
  • Know that it doesn't have an effect on your happiness

The barriers in your life are usually related to...

The barriers in your life are usually related to...
  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Education
  • Health
  • Religion
  • None of these

Do you prefer art that makes you think or makes you feel?

Do you prefer art that makes you think or makes you feel?
  • Art that makes you think
  • Art that makes you feel
  • Both
  • Neither

You prefer foods that are...

You prefer foods that are...
  • Sweet
  • Savory
  • A combination

You prefer ______ endings.

You prefer ______ endings.
  • Happy
  • Tragic
  • Realistic

How long had it been since you have felt truly victorious?

How long had it been since you have felt truly victorious?
  • Less than a week
  • Less than a month
  • Less than a year
  • A year or longer