What Era Should You Have Been Born In?
0930000 What Era Should You Have Been Born In? What Era Should You Have Been Born In? It’s not uncommon for people to feel they were born in the wrong time or that if they had been born in a different era, their life would be so much better. Were you born in the right time or were you meant to be born in the era you always dreamed of?

What is your favorite way to past the time?

What is your favorite way to past the time?
  • Reading a great book
  • Watching Tv
  • Dancing
  • Browsing the internet
  • Other

What is your sense of style like?

What is your sense of style like?
  • Chic and sleek
  • Comfortable and cute
  • Edgy and cool
  • Fancy and Made Up
  • Other

What's your preferred choice of transport?

What's your preferred choice of transport?
  • A car that's multi-functional and reliable
  • A nice classic car
  • Public Transport
  • Walking
  • Other

Favorite Season?

Favorite Season?
  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • None

Favorite childhood activity?

Favorite childhood activity?
  • Coloring pictures
  • Watching Saturday cartoons
  • Playing video games
  • Spending the day outside
  • Other

Favorite genre of music

Favorite genre of music
  • Bouncy pop
  • Rock and roll
  • Alternative
  • Disco
  • Other

If you were to host a party, where would we find you?

If you were to host a party, where would we find you?
  • Being the life of the party
  • Being a gracious host
  • With your friends, chatting up a storm
  • Hiding away from all the chaos
  • Other

If you had to fit into a clique, which would be your ideal one?

If you had to fit into a clique, which would be your ideal one?
  • The peppy group
  • The gothic group
  • The nerdy group
  • The sporty group
  • Other

What's your favorite book to read?

What's your favorite book to read?
  • To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Grimm's fairy tale
  • Great Gatsby
  • The Giver
  • Other

What can't you live without?

What can't you live without?
  • My phone
  • Internet connection
  • Books to read
  • Video Games
  • Other