What Type Of Food Truck Would You Own?
05bf093 What Type Of Food Truck Would You Own? What Type Of Food Truck Would You Own? What will you be serving?

What type of food do you usually crave?

What type of food do you usually crave?
  • Sweet food
  • Savory food
  • Other

Are you a vegetarian or vegan?

Are you a vegetarian or vegan?
  • Yes
  • No

What do you think of food trucks?

What do you think of food trucks?
  • They're interesting
  • They're innovative
  • They're cool
  • They're okay
  • I don't know

What's your go to for a quick dinner?

What's your go to for a quick dinner?
  • A stir fry
  • Some type of fast food
  • Something from a convenience store
  • Other

Which meal appeals to you most?

Which meal appeals to you most?
  • Deep dish pizza
  • Ice cream sundae
  • Salad
  • Pulled pork
  • Fish taco

Would you prefer creating complex meals or simple meals?

Would you prefer creating complex meals or simple meals?
  • Complex meals
  • Simple meals

Would you prefer eating your meals with utensils or your hands?

Would you prefer eating your meals with utensils or your hands?
  • Utensils
  • My hands

What would you like to drink with your meals?

What would you like to drink with your meals?
  • Water
  • Milk
  • Soda
  • Beer
  • Other

How many meals do you eat on average?

How many meals do you eat on average?
  • One big one
  • Two or three
  • Three meals
  • Five small meals
  • Other

Do you eat more home cooked meals or do you go out to eat often?

Do you eat more home cooked meals or do you go out to eat often?
  • I eat mostly home cooked meals
  • I go out to eat mostly
  • It's about equal