Who Would You Be In The 50s?
0269efb Who Would You Be In The 50s? Who Would You Be In The 50s? A time machine has transported you back to America's golden era- the 1950s. Poodle skirts and pony tails abound, but you're not quite sure who you are in this era. Who would you be in the 1950s? A greaser? Perhaps, a beatnik? Let's find out!

Do you enjoy having your picture taken?

Do you enjoy having your picture taken?
  • Yes, I love it!
  • Only when I can take the picture myself.
  • Sometimes.
  • Never!

When it comes to dating, you love someone who is very....

When it comes to dating, you love someone who is very....
  • Intellectual.
  • Rebellious.
  • Creative.
  • Dependable.
  • Charming.

In high school, which club would you have joined?

In high school, which club would you have joined?
  • Photography
  • Yearbook
  • Newspaper
  • Pep squad
  • None of these!

Would you say you have a sweet personality?

Would you say you have a sweet personality?
  • Yes, very.
  • Somewhat sweet.
  • It's bittersweet.
  • Not at all.

When it comes to friends, do you have more guy friends or girl friends?

When it comes to friends, do you have more guy friends or girl friends?
  • Guy friends
  • Girl friends
  • A mix of both

You're at a drive-in, which milkshake flavor do you order?

You're at a drive-in, which milkshake flavor do you order?
  • Strawberry
  • Vanilla
  • Chocolate
  • Black and white
  • Mint chocolate chip

Which style of music would you listen to?

Which style of music would you listen to?
  • Rock n' roll
  • Swing
  • Jazz
  • Pop
  • Du-wop

Which color would you wear most often?

Which color would you wear most often?
  • Black
  • Green
  • Pink
  • Red
  • Gray

What's your natural hair color?

What's your natural hair color?
  • Blonde
  • Brunette
  • Black
  • Red
  • Other

How many cocktails does it take you to get drunk?

How many cocktails does it take you to get drunk?
  • 1-2
  • 3-4
  • 4-5
  • Too many