How Canadian Are You?
00fa36f How Canadian Are You? How Canadian Are You? You might think you're pretty Canadian, but how much Canada do you really have coursing through your veins? Ready to find out? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out just how Canadian you really are!

What kind of coffee did you drink today?

What kind of coffee did you drink today?
  • I brewed at home
  • I got Tim Hortons
  • I got Starbucks
  • I got coffee from my local cafe

What did you have for breakfast today?

What did you have for breakfast today?
  • Beans and toast
  • Cereal
  • Eggs and bacon
  • A double double and a bagel
  • Nothing

What do you say when you want to get someone's attention?

What do you say when you want to get someone's attention?
  • "Excuse me"
  • "Pardon me"
  • "Sorry"
  • "Listen up"
  • I just wave my hand

What is water?

What is water?
  • It's water
  • It's melted snow
  • What kind of question is this?

Pick a beverage:

Pick a beverage:
  • Beer
  • Orange juice
  • Maple syrup
  • Water
  • Coca-Cola

Your head and ears are cold. How do you fix this?

Your head and ears are cold. How do you fix this?
  • With a beanie
  • With ear muffs
  • I use the hood on my coat
  • It varies by day

What temperature would you consider to be REALLY cold?

What temperature would you consider to be REALLY cold?
  • Anything below 15 degrees
  • Anything below 5 degrees
  • Anything below 30 degrees
  • Anything below 50 degrees
  • Anything below -10

What are your thoughts on bagged milk?

What are your thoughts on bagged milk?
  • Why would milk be in a bag?
  • That's totally normal.
  • I prefer milk in jugs or cartons.
  • I guess that makes sense.

Someone cuts in front of you in line. How do you respond?

Someone cuts in front of you in line. How do you respond?
  • I apologize to them.
  • I silently seethe.
  • I cut in front of them.
  • I say something passive aggressive.
  • I just let it go.

How often do you go over your data limit on your phone?

How often do you go over your data limit on your phone?
  • All the time
  • Sometimes
  • Almost never