Could You Survive For A Week As Kate Middleton?
0028fcc Could You Survive For A Week As Kate Middleton? Could You Survive For A Week As Kate Middleton? Kate Middleton may be a princess, but that doesn't mean every day is royally grand! Could you survive Kate Middleton's routine for one solid week? Take these quiz questions and find out!

Everyday begins with a workout. Which sounds most appealing to you?

Everyday begins with a workout. Which sounds most appealing to you?
  • Rowing
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Tennis
  • Running
  • Can't I just eat?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Choose one of these royal favorites:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Choose one of these royal favorites:
  • Special K
  • Tea and crumpets
  • Marmite on toast
  • Proper pancakes

You'll need to go over the latest news stories. Who or what will be your main source?

You'll need to go over the latest news stories. Who or what will be your main source?
  • My assistant
  • The newspapers
  • The TV
  • I'll just believe what everyone tells me.

Time to get glam. How long are you willing to spend on your makeup routine?

Time to get glam. How long are you willing to spend on your makeup routine?
  • 5 minutes max.
  • 10-15 minutes.
  • 20-30 minutes.
  • As long as it takes!

You'll need a blowout to look like Kate. How many are you willing to get per week?

You'll need a blowout to look like Kate. How many are you willing to get per week?
  • Just one.
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four or more.

You'll be entertaining some guests tonight. What will your role be?

You'll be entertaining some guests tonight. What will your role be?
  • Very hands on, I like to be involved.
  • I stay behind the scenes and let others do the work.
  • A bit engaged, but not much.

A royal manicure is in order. Which color will you choose?

A royal manicure is in order. Which color will you choose?
  • Pale pink
  • Coral
  • Soft blue

Not everyone is cut out to be a princess from birth. You'll be needing etiquette lessons. What area will you focus on?

Not everyone is cut out to be a princess from birth. You'll be needing etiquette lessons. What area will you focus on?
  • Dinner etiquette.
  • Social etiquette.
  • Everyday etiquette.

Which subject would you have studied in college?

Which subject would you have studied in college?
  • Art history
  • Math
  • Language arts
  • British history

Philanthropy is the biggest part of your job. Which cause will you champion?

Philanthropy is the biggest part of your job. Which cause will you champion?
  • Mental health
  • Women's rights
  • Education for all
  • Immigration reform