Which Word Best Describes Your Romantic Relationships?
6c2f556 Which Word Best Describes Your Romantic Relationships? Which Word Best Describes Your Romantic Relationships? Do you know which word can best describe your romantic relationships to others? Is it as romantic as you might think? Take these 10 questions and find out which word best describes your romantic relationships!

How would you describe yourself in a relationship?

How would you describe yourself in a relationship?
  • Independent
  • Dependent
  • A mix of both

Do you feel as if you spend enough time with your significant other?

Do you feel as if you spend enough time with your significant other?
  • We might spend too much time together
  • We spend just enough time together
  • We don't spend enough time together

Have you ever fought about money in a relationship?

Have you ever fought about money in a relationship?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Who hasn't?

Would you ever take a vacation without your significant other?

Would you ever take a vacation without your significant other?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'd consider it

Would you ever sleep in a bed separate from your significant other?

Would you ever sleep in a bed separate from your significant other?
  • I already do this
  • I'd consider it
  • No way

What would you never argue about?

What would you never argue about?
  • Sex
  • Movies/music
  • Dinner
  • Money

Can you be playful with your significant others?

Can you be playful with your significant others?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

When in a relationship do you know your partner's likes and dislikes?

When in a relationship do you know your partner's likes and dislikes?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I know most of them

Do you feel bored quite easily?

Do you feel bored quite easily?
  • How did you know?
  • No more than the average person
  • Hardly ever

What do you believe is your best quality?

What do you believe is your best quality?
  • My honesty
  • My supportiveness
  • My patience
  • My intelligence
  • My sense of humor